I am very honoured to become dean of the AGSM. As Australia’ s oldest graduate school of management, the AGSM has played an important part in the development of management practice in Australia – and has an even more important role to play in the future. I look forward to working with the many individuals and organisations who have a stake in the School – students, staff, alumni, the two University shareholders, and the business community – to shape and guide the future direction of the AGSM.
Three important themes for the School’ s next decade are global, virtual and personal. We must form alliances with like-minded management schools outside of Sydney to facilitate easy exchange of faculty, students and – most importantly – knowledge. We must use new technology to enhance, not replace, the face-to-face learning environment. And we must become more flexible and responsive to the individual needs of students and firms for education delivered across a wide range of time, space and mode. Progress in these three areas has already begun and will continue at an accelerating pace.
The latest Financial Times( UK) listing of the world’ s top 100 business schools, which is reported in our news update, Upfront, contains very good news for the AGSM. Our ranking rose from 65 to 42, well ahead of any other institution in our region. The strategy and policies of the AGSM are not driven by the ratings, but we will continue our efforts to be sure that such ratings fairly represent the quality and scope of the School.
Please accept my invitation to contact me with your comments and suggestions. Working together, we can accomplish great things for the AGSM and for ourselves.
Professor Michael Vitale Dean Australian Graduate School of Management