Agri Kultuur October / Oktober 2018 | Página 16

large yields, tend to produce a smaller nut and are more difficult to crack due to their lower SKR ratios (less shell to nut by comparison to other varieties). The 56% of South Africa’s crop exported to China are mostly Beaumont variety nuts. 20% of trees going into the ground are the A4 variety, which usually deliver good sound kernel recovery and larger nuts. Another 20% are 816 variety and the remaining 10% a mix of 849, 814, 842 and others. Figure 1: South Africa export destinations (source: SAMAC 2018) The graphs below articulate South Africa’s (currently the world’s largest producer) export destinations alongside key global demand regions: 56% of South Africa’s crop goes to China. Although the Asian market represents only 27% of global tree nut consumption. Reports that China’s domestic crop is set to grow exponentially over the next few years indicates they will serve a large portion of their demand provided through their own crop. Figure 2: Estimated world tree nut consumption (source INC 2018) “Driven by aggressive demand and low levels of compliance in the past, the Chinese market will over the longer term stabilise. And as part of this process 2018 has again faced some uncertainty within this region. Chinese buyers have not been as proactive as in the past in procuring product and have little interest in small in-shell sizes. Increasingly this market becomes more discerning and with demand shifts,” continues Whyte. ingredients sector,” says Whyte. Both Whyte and Hassenkamp share the view that in percentage terms the spread of global nut consumption is unlikely to change (as per Figure 2). However actual consumption is projected to stay on the rise. “My advice to farmers is to plant a well- balanced spread of cultivars based on careful benchmarking of region and farm specific analysis to ensure you’re well hedged for future demand. It’s not just about what’s profitable now - it is about what is sustainable and expected from markets in 10 years from now. A combination of volume and value is paramount: the dynamic of yield and crack out interplay of sound kernel recovery of macadamia yields achieved is specific from farmer to farmer,” concludes Hassenkamp. “From a marketing perspective, we would be wise to cultivate relationships, market access and scope in the US and Europe. Our marketing business, Green & Gold Macadamias, is also proactive in creating the right opportunities through our marketing efforts to absorb nut pieces into the AgriKultuur |AgriCulture Green Farms Nut Company continues to place strategic emphasis to support changes in demand for size, quality, safety and traceability. We work closely with our processor partner network and Green & Gold Macadamias, to ensure capability spans improved cracking technology and value add facilities continues Whyte. 16