((SKR - the nut to shell ratio) and volumes
depending on several factors from region to
This becomes significant through the lens of
South Africa’s current export market mapped
to global consumption. Leading South African
nursery, selling over a 500 000 macadamia
trees a year, Red Sun Hortitech director, Mark
Hassenkamp, has crunched the numbers
on suitability of the South African crop for
the years to come: and they’re worth paying
attention to.
“Global tree nut consumption has increased
24% over the last ten years. This, alongside
the astonishing 473% increase in their value
over the same period makes it understandable
that focus has been on the here and now.
However, as the market continues to mature,
and crop volume grow, specific demands
for quality and nut grade is going to have a
consequential impact,” says Hassenkamp.
It is estimated the 50% of macadamia trees
that have been planted in South Africa are of
the 695 variety, also known as Beaumonts.
They are popular in that they are relatively
easy to cultivate, are fast growing with typically
Macadamia flowers. Picture provided
“It would be remiss of us as an industry to
assume that what got us here today is going
to get us to where we need to be in 10 or even
20 years. Market demand has fundamentally
shifted and there are significant changes in
what customers, from the US, Europe and
China, want on the horizon,” reflects Alex
Whyte, general manager, Green Farms Nut
Defiant of simple economic principle, the
nut sector in general, and macadamias more
specifically, are in the unique and prosperous
position where both supply and demand are
on the up. Largely attributable to growing
populations and momentous changes in
healthy and ethical eating. Additionally, for a
variety of reasons, Asia increasingly demands
larger nuts. Requirement within the ingredient
sector, for diced product is on the rise globally.
The range of macadamia tree cultivars
available each yield different nut sizes
(commonly named style 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 from
largest to smallest), sound kernel recovery
AgriKultuur |AgriCulture
Macadamia fruit https://sco.m.wikipedia.org/