Agri-Insights Issue 17 | Page 13

YCLE OF A S IT E 3 4 4 3 THE IMPLEMENTATION PHASE: TIME TO PLANT • Post your content online, making sure pieces fit and support each other. • Testing is critical. Get a website developer to test your links, pages and options. • Make sure your site loads quickly with no issues that might frustrate visitors. • Does your “garden” look great from every angle—on desktops, laptops, cellphones? THE OPTIMIZATION PHASE: WATERING, WEEDING AND FERTILIZING • When compared to other sites, does yours stand out? • Do you appear at the top of search results? • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking is ongoing. Regular changes help you stay relevant. • Keep your website fresh and updated (Pull dead “plants” and prune others to promote growth.) Replace with new services, products and stories to keep your information “garden fresh” and interesting. YOUR WEBSITE SHOULD NEVER HAVE A FINAL VERSION. The life cycle of a website continues on and on. Your launch is just the end of the beginning. Once your website is up and running, the process starts all over again. Where are your s ite visitors going first? What are they totally missing? Adjustments have to be made. You might discover you must replant tomatoes because they grow best next to the asparagus. 1 FOR MORE INFO Download your personal copy of our helpful e-book—Website Know-How: Grow Your Agribusiness with a Hard-Working Website at VISTACOMM.COM ISSUE 2 2017 AGRI-INSIGHTS 13