Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
An eloquent cock crows as soon as it comes
out of the egg.
An ember burns where it falls.
An emmet may work its heart out, but can
never make honey.
An empty bag cannot stand upright.
An empty bag will not stay up.
An empty barn needs no roof.
An empty barrel makes a lot of noise.
An empty barrel makes the greatest sound.
An empty barrel makes the most noise.
An empty barrel rattles louder.
An empty barrel sings in the wind.
An empty barrel sounds better.
An empty belly has no ears.
An empty belly hears nobody.
An empty cellar makes an angry butler.
An empty ear holds its head upright.
An empty hand doesn’t kill a snake.
An empty hand is not licked.
An empty head gets the easiest sleep.
An empty house is better than a bad tenant.
An empty knapsack is heavier to carry than
a full one.
An empty mill will turn without the wind.
An empty pantry has a fool housewife.
An empty purse and a new house make a
man wise, but too late.
An empty purse can’t stand alone and a full
purse can’t bend.
An empty purse frights away friends.
An empty sack can’t stand up; a full sack
cannot bend.
An empty sack cannot stand up alone.
An empty sack cannot stand up.
An empty sack cannot stand.
An empty sack will not stand upright.
An empty sack won’t stand alone.
An empty stomach will not listen to
An empty tin can makes a lot of noise.
An empty vessel makes the most sound.
An endless war shames even a hero.
An enemy does not sleep.
An enemy may chance to give good
An enemy that is surprised is already half-
An enemy will agree, but a friend will
An Englishman will burn his bed to catch a
An Englishman’s home is his castle.
An Englishman’s word is his bond.
An ennobled peasant does not know his
own father.
An enterprizing foole needs little wit.
An envious man waxes lean with the
fatness of his neighbour.
An error no wider than a hair will lead a
hundred miles away from the goal.
An escaped lie does not reach the truth.
An estate inherited is the less valued.
An evening rainbow means good weather
in the morning, a rainbow in the
morning fills wells and fountains.
An evil act runs a thousand miles.
An evil comes from a neighbouring evil.
An evil conscience breaks many a man’s
An evil deed has a witness in the bosom.
An evil doer abhors the light of day.
An evil eye can see no good.
An evil gain is equal to a loss.
An evil Indian but his bussiness is good.
An excellent appearance, an empty pocket.
An excess of caution does no harm.
An excess of courtesy is a discourtesy.
An excuse is nearer to a woman than her
An excuse is sometime more ugly than a
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
An eye is blind in another man’s corner.
An eye is small but its usefulness is great.
An healthy mind for an healthy body.
An heir also inherits quarrels.
An hired horse tired never.
An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.