Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
An artist lives everywhere.
An ass does not appreciate fruit compote.
An ass does not stumble twice over the
same stone.
An ass in Germany is a professor in Rome.
An ass is beautiful in the eyes of an ass; a
sow in those of a sow; and every race is
attractive to itself.
An ass is but an ass, though laden with
An ass let him be who brays at an ass.
An ass with her colt goes not straight to the
An ass’s tail will not make a sieve.
An ass’s trot does not last long.
An atheist is one point beyond the devil.
An attractive person cannot be without
blemish, if he does not steal, he
bewitches. (there is danger behind
everything beautiful)
An auld dog bites sicker.
An auld mason makes a good barrow-man.
An auld pock is aye skailing.
An auld sack craves much clouting.
An autumn day feeds a whole winter.
An axe does not cut down a tree by itself.
An axe with rio handle does not split
An axe without a shaft is no threat to the
An eager dog often gets a torn skin.
An eagle does not catch flies.
An eagle will not catch flies.
An eagle’s old age is worth a sparrow’s
An ear does not go to bed hungry.
An easy shepherd makes the wolf void
An educated fool is dangerous.
An educated woman finds few suitors.
An eel by his tail, an Irishman at his word.
An eel escapes from a good fisherman.
An eel held by the tail is not yet caught.
An egg does not fight a rock.
An egg is an egg, said the boor, and took
the goose’s egg.
An egg is dear on Easter day.
An egg should not wrestle with a rock!
An egg shouldn’t be deceived by the
hardness of its shell; it cannot challenge
a stone in a fight.
An egg thief becomes a camel thief.
An egg today is better than a chicken
An egg today is worth a hen tomorrow.
An egoistic person can’t realize his own
mistakes, but can always find mistakes
of others.
An eight-sided beauty is coldhearted.
An elder does not break wind in public, but
in a latrine.
An elder uses old eyes to see and so the
young use young eyes.
An elephant can never fail to carry its tusks.
An elephant cannot thin to a cow size.
An elephant dies because of many spears.
(a big problem is easily solved by many)
An elephant does not catch mice.
An elephant does not die from one broken
An elephant does not get tired carrying his
An elephant grows and becomes an adult,
even if people do not like it.
An elephant has enormous dung – don’t try
to defecate like an elephant. Don’t try to
wipe someone else’s ass if yours is
An elephant hunter usually gets killed by
an elephant.
An elephant in the china shop.
An elephant never fails to carry its tusk.
An elephant never gets tired of supporting
its tusks.
An elephant never tires of carrying his own
An elephant that kills a rat cannot be
considered a hero.
An elephant will reach to the roof of the
An elephant’s head is no load for a child.
An elephant’s tasks are never too heavy for