Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
Against him as you brew, so shall you
Against stupidity; God Himself is helpless.
Against the beastly human being even the
gods are powerless.
Age and marriage tame man and beast.
Age and marriage tame the beast.
Age and poverty are ill to bear.
Age and sins are more than are admitted.
Age and wedlock bring a man to his
Age and wedlock tame man and beast.
Age before beauty; pearls before swine.
Age brings experience, and a good mind
Age does not give sense it only makes one
go slowly.
Age does not give you good sense, it only
makes you go slowly.
Age does not protect against folly.
Age gives good advice when it is no longer
able to give a bad example.
Age is a sorry travelling companion.
Age is a wicked companion.
Age is honorable and youth is noble.
Age is sullied with gray hairs, but the
virtue crowns them.
Age lasts; youth devours.
Age makes many a man whiter, but not
Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of
enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
Aged ginger is more pungent.
Agree between yourselves, quoth Arlotto,
and I will make it rain.
Agree, agree, for the law is costly.
Agree, for the law is costly.
Agree, or suffer the consequences.
Agreement with two people, lamentation
with three.
Agreements should be clearly expressed,
and chocolate should be served thick.
Agriculture is best, enterprise is acceptable,
but avoid being on a fixed wage.
Agrigento is a good land with sad people.
Ahi! I’m dying! Give me a hot water bottle
and a cloak.
Aim at a certain issue.
Aim high in your career but stay humble in
your heart.
Aiming isn’t hitting.
Ain’t no use askin’ the cow to pour you a
glass of milk.
Air castles are good; now put foundations
under them.
Airly crooks the tree that good Lammock
should be.
Ajaccio, Ajaccio, if you don’t go there, you
won’t lose your money.
Alacci, remove the bones and be left with
the bother.
Alas for the son whose father went to
Alas for those that get the worst of it.
Alas! father, another daughter is born to
Alas! how much smaller a thing it is to be
with others, than to remember thee.
Alas! I suffer from self-inflicted wounds.
Alcohol will preserve anything but a secret.
Alder fences don’t last more than a year.
Alder fire, false fire.
Ale in, wit out.
Alertness and courage are life’s shield.
Ale-sellers shouldna be tale-tellers.
Alexander the Great was but of small
Alexander the Great was not very tall.
Alexander the Great wasn’t tall.
Alexander was taught by Aristotle, Paul by
Alike children play the best.
Alive one hour, dead another.
All ages are submissive to love.
All are architects of fate working in these
walls of time.
All are brave when the enemy flies.
All are children.
All are not asleep who have their eyes shut.
All are not cooks that walk with long
All are not cooks who wear long knives.