Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
After ebb comes flood, and friends with
After every darkness is light.
After falling, the ladder falls on you.
After great droughts come great rains.
After hardship comes relief.
After high floods come low ebbs.
After honour and state follow envy and
After I saw what my mother did, I will
never trust a widow.
After joy comes annoy.
After killing a yakur bird your hands will
After lunch, rest; after dinner take a walk.
After me the deluge.
After meat comes mustard.
After meat, mustard.
After mischance every one is wise.
After nine months the secret comes out.
After one loss come many.
After one pope another is made.
After one that earns one that wastes.
After one vice a greater follows.
After pleasant scratching comes unpleasant
After pleasure comes pain.
After rain comes fair weather.
After rain comes sunshine.
After rain, comes raincoat.
After rain, fine weather.
After shaking hands with a Greek, count
your fingers.
After shaving there is nothing to shear.
After spring-tide, neap.
After stuffing pears within, drink old wine
until they swim.
After taking ninety-nine years to climb a
stairway, the tortoise falls and says there
is a curse on haste.
After the act wishing is in vain.
After the daughter is married, then come
sons-in-law in plenty.
After the evil cross, the crown has come.
After the fight both parties give each other a
good smack.
After the game, the king and the pawn go
into the same box.
After the gathering comes the scattering.
After the head is off, one does not cry over
the hair.
After the house is finished, he deserts it.
After the manner of Mandrabulus [i.e.,
going from worse to worse].
After the meal, one has to be still and shut
the eyes for a while in the gloom.
After the rain the grass will grow; after
wine, conversation.
After the rain, fine weather.
After the ship has sunk, everyone knows
how she might have been saved.
After the sour comes the sweet.
After the storm comes a calm.
After the storm comes the easiness.
After the storm comes the good weather.
After the storm ends, the sun will shine.
After the storm the sun comes out.
After the vintage, baskets.
After the war, aid.
After the work is done, repose is sweet.
After three days the place of the guest is
behind the door outside.
After three days without reading, talk
becomes flavorless.
After three years even a disaster can be
good for something.
After three years useless things are useful
After us the deluge.
After victory, tighten your helmet chord.
After we fry the fat, we see what is left.
After work rest is sweet.
After your daughter is married, there comes
a number of potential sons-in-law.
After your fling, watch for the sting.
After-wit is dear bought.
Again and again I beg and pray of you to
live merrily: should aught distress you,
dismiss it from your minds.
Against a thousand crows one stone is
Against change of fortune set a brave heart.