Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
A woman possessed by demons dreams of
toads in red dancing shoes.
A woman prefers a man without money to
money without a man.
A woman prefers poverty with love to
wealth without love.
A woman strong in flounces is weak in the
A woman talks to one man, looks at anoth-
er, and thinks about a third.
A woman that always laughs is
everybody’s wife; a man that is always
laughing is an idiot.
A woman told me that a woman told her.
A woman who accepts, sells herself; a
woman who gives, surrenders.
A woman who counsels you either puts
you in a skirt or a bridle.
A woman who cries, a man who swears, a
horse that sweats, all imposture.
A woman who dances too much gets ill
from little work.
A woman who delivers a baby in the
market square has nothing to hide.
A woman who does not understand by a
look of the eye won’t understand by a
box of the fist.
A woman who dresses up and puts on
makeup is either in love or a clean
A woman who has not been twice married
cannot know what a perfect marriage is.
A woman who has not been twice married
cannot know what a perfect marriage is.
A woman who hugs and squeezes you has
deceived you or is seeking to deceive
A woman who is not successful in her own
marriage has no advice to give to her
younger generations.
A woman who is young and beautiful is
never poor.
A woman who laughs at you has said yes.
A woman who likes to wash will find wa-
A woman who looks much in the glass
spins but little.
A woman who loves to be at the window is
like a bunch of grapes on the wayside.
A woman who needs to borrow a calabash
cannot count on going early to the
A woman who offers sex to everyone will
get kicked by everyone.
A woman who pursues a man for sex looses
her spiritual beauty.
A woman who runs holding her breast has
got nothing pursuing her.
A woman who wants a child doesn’t sleep
in her clothes.
A woman will be twice bound when her
chains feel comfortable.
A woman with two husbands cheats both.
A woman without a man is like a garden
without a fence.
A woman without is she who has neither
pipe nor child.
A woman without love is like a rose
without a scent.
A woman without teeth shall be left to the
A woman would rather swallow her teeth
than her tongue.
A woman, a dog, and a walnut tree, the
more you beat them the better they be.
A woman’s advice is no great thing, but he
who won’t take it is a fool.
A woman’s answer is never to seek.
A woman’s beauty cannot warm a winter’s
A woman’s belly is a garden with many
A woman’s clothes are the price her hus-
band pays for peace.
A woman’s first advice is her best.
A woman’s first counsel is the best.
A woman’s heart and spring weather.
A woman’s heart dries quicker than her
A woman’s honor consists in the good
opinion the world has of her.
A woman’s in pain, a woman’s in woe, a
woman is ill, when she likes to be so.
A woman’s mosque is her home.