Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
A woman can beat the devil.
A woman can raise you to heaven and can
dump you in hell.
A woman can’t drive her husband, but she
can lead him.
A woman conceals only what she does not
A woman conceals what she knows not.
A woman either loves or hates, there is no
third course.
A woman farmer had no trouble, so she
bought a piglet.
A woman for a general, and the soldiers
will be women.
A woman gets thirty percent of her beauty
from nature and seventy percent from
A woman has advice only for another
A woman has even cheated the devil.
A woman has got seven souls.
A woman has many mouths.
A woman has nine lives like a cat.
A woman has the form of an angel, the
heart of a serpent, and the mind of an
A woman in her thirties, throw her in the
A woman in the house is like a kaka in the
A woman is a flower in a garden; her
husband is the fence around it.
A woman is a fortress, a man her prisoner.
A woman is as old as she wants to tell you
she is.
A woman is as old as she wishes to tell you.
A woman is at her strongest when she
A woman is attractive when she is
somebody else’s wife.
A woman is flax, man is fire, the devil
comes and blows the bellows.
A woman is like a banana; one alone can
turn the whole bunch rotten.
A woman is like a bee treat her well and she
will make honey, treat her badly and
she will go wild.
A woman is like a blanket: If you cover
yourself with it, it bothers you; if you
throw it aside you will feel the cold.
A woman is like a cat: the more you pet her
the better she feels.
A woman is like a lemon; you squeeze her
and throw her away.
A woman is like a rat: even if it grows up in
your house, it steals from you.
A woman is like mahogany: the older she
is, the better she is.
A woman is like the moon, some nights it is
silver others gold.
A woman is never old when it comes to the
dance she knows.
A woman is never to have her own will.
A woman is not a harmonica that you put
aside when you have used it.
A woman is only a woman, but a good
cigar is a smoke
A woman is the last judgement of the man.
A woman is to be from her house three
times: when she is christened, married
and buried.
A woman keeps secret only what she does
not know.
A woman laughs when she can, and weeps
when she pleases.
A woman like a goat, a woman of rushing
A woman like a goose, a sharp pecking
A woman like a lamb, a quiet friendly
A woman like a pig, a sleepy-headed
A woman like a sheep, an affable friendly
A woman like a sickle, a strong stubborn
A woman listens only to the advice of a
A woman may be ever so old, if she take
fire she will jump.
A woman of thirty is not tempted by the