Aged Care Insite Issue 139 Oct-Nov 2023 | Page 3

MANAGING EDITOR Rebecca Cox rebecca . cox @ news . com . au
HEALTH EDITOR Arshmah Jamal arshmah . jamal @ news . com . au
NEWS EDITOR Erin Morley erin . morley @ news . com . au
SALES MANAGER Nicola Mohtram 02 9936 8666 nicola . mohtram @ news . com . au
COVER Tamar Krebs , founder and executive director of Group Homes Australia . Picture : News Corp Australia .
PUBLISHED BY Nationwide News Pty Ltd GPO Box 4245 Sydney NSW 2001 ABN 98 008 438 828 Print Post 100008043 ISSN 1836-1501 OCLC 536881479
PUBLISHER ’ S NOTE © Copyright . No part of this publication can be used or reproduced in any format without express permission in writing from Nationwide News Pty Ltd . The mention of a product or service , person or company in this publication , does not indicate the publisher ’ s endorsement . The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the opinion of the publisher , its agents , company officers or employees .
2 Design principles and guidelines
4 Strategies reduce hip fractures
5 Trans , non-binary people and Alzheimer ’ s risk
6 Creative idea reduces isolation
7 Star ratings released
8 Labour market update
9 Fundraising for dementia
industry & reform
10 Changes to pensions Addressing workforce shortages
12 Aged Care Act consultation Peak bodies call for feedback
14 ‘ Come and talk to us ’ What Elders say on aged care
clinical focus
16 Older-style medication What works best post stroke
17 Cover story From dementia to rementia
18 Antibiotic misuse Worrying antimicrobial resistance
specialty focus
20 ‘ A seismic shift ’ Mark Woodland on the crisis in ageing – opinion
22 The Intergenerational Report What the next 40 years have in store
24 Under capacity So many empty beds
25 Combating ageism Research finds it can be changed
26 Get smart How tech protects everyone
28 Securing OT and IT Global best practice
25 26 agedcareinsite . com . au 1