Aged Care Insite Issue 139 Oct-Nov 2023 | Page 2

The July 2023 update of the AMH Online and Desktop App is available now

When they put their trust in you , it ’ s vital to have information you can trust


AMH Aged Care Companion

The AMH Aged Care Companion is a practical reference for health professionals working with older people . It contains evidence-based peer reviewed information on more than 70 specific conditions that are common in older people , along with general principles when using medicines in this population . It is useful when conducting medication reviews and other activities aimed at improving patient outcomes , eg case conferencing . Available in Book or Online .

The July 2023 update of the AMH Online and Desktop App is available now

The Australian Medicines Handbook is a leading , comprehensive , and trusted reference source that publishes evidence-based drug information for busy practitioners .
The latest update includes new monographs and specialised drugs . Please visit the ‘ Summary of Key Changes ’ page for details on all new and deleted drugs .
The AMH is available in book , online , or desktop app formats . For more information , please visit www . amh . net . au .