Aged Care Insite Issue 102 | Aug-Sep 2017 | Page 10


Nurses back elder abuse report

A new report highlights the ongoing crisis in aged care .

Key nursing bodies have supported the 43 recommendations from the Australian Law Reform Commission ’ s recently released report , Elder Abuse – A National Legal Response .

Adjunct professor Kylie Ward , chief executive of the Australian College of Nursing , welcomed the recommendation that the Department of Health commission an independent evaluation of research on optimal staffing models and levels in aged care .
“ We reiterate that there must be a legislated minimum number of RNs in residential aged care ,” Ward said .
The college said it is concerned by the trend in the makeup of the aged care workforce , which has seen a reduction in the proportion of regulated health professionals working directly at the bedside .
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation acting federal secretary Annie Butler is calling for the introduction of a skills mix of 30 per cent RNs , 20 per cent ENs and 50 per cent AINs / PCWs as the minimum skills mix to ensure safe staffing in aged care .
“ Residents should receive an average of 4 hours and 18 minutes of care per day – compared to the current 2.84 hours being received ,” she said .
“ Clearly , there are simply not enough staff in aged care , with one witness reporting that there was ‘ one qualified nurse caring for 85 people in a nursing home on a public holiday ’.”
The report ’ s evidence and recommendations are a wake-up call for the government , regulators and industry stakeholders to act on the crisis in aged care .
“ One witness said : ‘[ We ] tolerate a level of staffing and staff mix in aged care that would close wards in the acute system . Despite years of discussion and criticism it is still possible to work with extremely vulnerable older people while having no relevant qualification . This should be an outrage ’.” ■

ACON launches inclusivity program

The program is open to organisations working in health and wellbeing and focuses on LGBTI-inclusive service provision .

The healthcare sector now has access to a national membership-based program that provides partners with year-round support , training and guidance in LGBTIinclusive service delivery .

ACON , Australia ’ s largest non-profit LGBTI health and HIV / AIDS organisation , launched Pride in Health + Wellbeing on 10 August . The program focuses on LGBTI-inclusive service provision , national benchmarking , communities of practice , resource development and best practice discussion forums . When LGBTI individuals require access to health services , they often hit more roadblocks than their non-LGBTI peers and therefore experience poorer health and wellbeing outcomes , ACON said . It added that many do not access services due to actual or perceived discrimination , exclusion or prejudice .
Pride in Health + Wellbeing membership allows organisations to access sector-specific support , resources , networking opportunities , training , consulting and advice via an account manager and interaction with other health and wellbeing sector organisations active in LGBTI-inclusive service provision .
Membership is open to any organisation working in the sectors of health and wellbeing , including hospitals , aged care , government departments , GPs , and housing , mental health , drug and alcohol , family and domestic violence and disability services . Several organisations have already signed up to the program , including Lifeline , Medibank , Uniting , Flourish , Reliant Healthcare , ViiV Healthcare , NurseWatch and Murrumbidgee PHN .
Peter Worland , executive director of Uniting , which hosted the launch , said the organisation is proud to stand with LGBTI communities , including its customers , staff and visitors , and actively celebrate difference .
“ Each of our services , from aged care through to chaplaincy , is backed by an organisation-wide commitment to inclusion and diversity . We welcome all people irrespective of sexual orientation , gender expression , gender identity or intersex status .”
Kate Spurway , chief executive and founder of home care provider NurseWatch , said the Pride in Health + Wellbeing program ’ s core objectives align with its services .
“ At NurseWatch , we value LGBTI clients and provide customised care that respects the individual and their right to determine their own continuum of care journey .” ■
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