Agarwood cultural city company profile Agarwood Cultural City Company Profile | Page 27

沉香用途非常广泛 沉香代表品质生活 有着“黄金树”之称的沉香树,其浑身上下都是宝,从其嫩 叶、花蕾、种子开始,至到其树干、树芯、树根的各个部位 都有着不同的用途,它们被广泛应用在宗教、雕刻、香料、 医药、保健、日化等不同领域中。进而,生物科技领域也正 在对沉香的用途不断探索,许多新类型的沉香产品也相续问 世,使得市场的需求正在与日俱增! 在人们对高生活品质越来越渴望的今天,过着优雅、舒适的 生活是每个人都心生向往的。因此,香文化在今天的社会里 开始收到人们的追捧,而作为香文化里最高档的消费品也必 然越来越受人们的欢迎。此外,作为沉香消费大国的中国, 随着其经济能力的日益强大,国民对沉香产品的消费能力也 日渐提高,这些都加剧了沉香供不应求的现状! VERSATILE USES OF AGARWOOD Agarwood tree also known as the "golden tree". Every pa of the tree is valuable. From the leaves, petals and seeds, to its trunk, core and roots, every pa of the tree has different uses. They are widely used in religion, sculpture, spices, medicine, health care, daily uses, etc. Moreover, Biotechnology field is constantly exploring the uses of Agarwood and there are lots of Agarwood products coming into the market, making the market demand increasing day by day. AGARWOOD REPRESENTS QUALITY OF LIFE Nowadays, people are increasingly eager for high quality of life and everyone is yearning for an elegant and comfoable life. Therefore, people staed to pursue aromatic culture in today's society, and as the most high-end consumer goods in aromatic culture, it is bound to be more and more popular. In addition, China as the major consumer country of Agarwood, their national consumption of Agarwood products is also increasing with the growing economic power of the country, which has aggravated the current situation of Agarwood scarcity!