Agarwood cultural city company profile Agarwood Cultural City Company Profile | Page 13

马来西亚第一家沉香文化城 | 开幕典礼 沉香树的形成及各部位的用途 AG A R W O O D TR E E F O R M ATI O N A N D I T S D I F F E RE N T P A R T S 了解沉香树是如何形成的。从品 种的花序至移植沉香树苗至收成 期的过程。 3 了解沉香沉香树的各个部位,包 括其树干、树枝、花朵、叶片、 果实、树脂及树根。 2 1 5 4 7 拍照站 Learn about the formation of Agarwood . From inflorescence of Aquilaria species, to transplanting Aquilaria saplings, to its formation of resin in heawood of Aquilaria trees. Learn about the different pas of Agarwood tree. Its trunk, branches, flower, leaf, fruits, resin, and root. 沉香简介与历史 AG A RW O O D I N T RO DU C T I O N & H I ST O RY 6 了解何谓沉香,它们是从何而来 ,及在世界各地的名称。 PHOTOBOOTH 了解沉香数千年来的历史,它的 独特的香味,性质及它的珍稀。 Learn about what is Agarwood and where does it really comes from, and the different names of this wood in different countries. 8 Learn about the history of Agarwood, its unique aroma, characteristics and immense value and rarity. 沉香的分布 D I S TR IB U TI O N O F AG A R W O O D 千年沉香 THOUSAND YEARS AGARWOOD TREE 千年沉香树展览 Display of thousand years old Agarwood trees. 了解沉香的主要原产地,投资良 机及主要进口国。 Learn about where Agarwood are mainly grown, its investment oppou- nities and their main impoers countries.