Agarwood cultural city company profile Agarwood Cultural City Company Profile | Page 12

MALAYSIA'S FIRST AGARWOOD CULTURAL CITY 沉香树的价值 TH E V A LU E O F AG A RW O O D 了解为何沉香如此昂贵?为何原 产沉香储量锐减及沉香之财富。 了解沉香树为何也称黄金树, 及它在品质生活上的广泛用途。 Understand why is Agarwood so expensive? Its high value, and the cause of its dramatically low production. Understand why it is also called ‘Golden Tree’, its versatile of uses and quality of life representation. 沉香的结香法 AG A R W O O D IN O C U L AT I O N M E T H O D 了解香树脂的形成方式. 结香 法可以分为自然结香、传统 结香和人工结香。 A detour of Agarwood Cultural City will provide you with knowledge about Agarwood and it’s immerse value. Understanding of the formation of aromatic resin. Which can be categorized into Natural Inoculation, Traditional Inoculation and Aificial Inoculation. 沉香产业市场 AG A R W O O D M A RK E T DE M A N D 了解沉香在世界各国的市场 与需求,及沉香片及沉香油 的历史价格。尤其是中国, 中东及东南亚地区。 Learn about the world market demand for Agarwood, and its oil price in the history. Especially in China, Middle Eastern and Southeast Asia. 公 司 集 团简介 C O M P A N Y P RO F I L E 了解沉香文化城创始公司 集团的愿景。 Learn about the company’s vision behind Agarwood Cultural City. TO 1 ST FLOOR