Against the Odds 1 | Page 63

Riley's page

There is a VA because it’s the least we can do for the people who sacrifice their lives for our freedom. The VA was created to help veterans upon returning home. Their main purpose is to make a veterans life easier. Yet women don’t get the help they need. Actually only 1 in 5 female veterans are treated by the VA staff.

The main thing the VA does is offer healthcare for vets. But they also offer loans and disability benefits. Therefore, the vets are getting the help and care they deserve.

They make sure that the vets no longer feel disenfranch-ised unless you are a woman. If you are a women, I guess you just have to deal with the injustices and the disenfranchisement. This needs to change. All veterans should get the healthcare they require.

Mrs. Brooks did eventually get the medical attention she required. But in my opinion, it took way too long. She should have been treated immediately, not being put off again and again.

Mistreated Heroes