Women, on the other hand, are often dramatically falsified in relation to gender stereotypes. The average woman is expected to be a stay at home mother, nurturing and caring for her children. Additionally, women are expected to be emotional, polite, passive, dependent, and classy.
Women are also expected to look put-together and presentable at all times.
Men often times obtain job occupations similar to: contracting, construction, being a CEO, law enforcement, firefighting, being a surgeon, and working in relation to labor. Women often obtain jobs similar to: teaching, nursing, being a day care provider, flight attendants, and waitresses. Additionally, women will often times become Non-traditional students.
Although there are numerous specific gender roles, those roles should not define or set limitations regarding actions, feelings, or the decisions of individuals of either gender.
On average, women spend
on beauty products to acquire their everyday looks.
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