Against the Odds 1 | Page 50

However, the unfair treatment does not stop there. On December 6th the USWNT was set to play Trinidad & Tobago at Honolulu, Hawaii’s Aloha Stadium. The game, however, was cancelled due to the horrendous condition of the turf field. Former USWNT player Shannon Boxx

told ESPN news,

“… we should

be treated just

like the men, I

don’t think the

men have

played on a turf

field all year

and why are we

now playing on

these types of

fields and in

these conditions."

Goalkeeper Hope Solo posted a picture on Instagram of the poor field conditions later that day saying, “Our loyal fans: Thanks for standing with us against unsafe field conditions & standing tall for #equal treatment #uswnt."

Hope’s teammate Sydney Leroux Dwyer previously tweeted a picture of her turf burned legs

on April 14,

2013 saying,

“This is why

soccer should

be played on

grass!." The

photo of

Dywer’s legs

is a prime

example of

why playing

on turf is bad for

athletes. If

turf is this dangerous for the athletes,

“… we should be treated just like the men..."

-Former USWNT player Shannon Boxx