My topic is about refugees coming into the US, how the US deals with refugees, and how they are treated by Americans. I have found some information from the Reuters Twitter, and it talks about occurrences that are happening today. I was reading some stories they had on there about our new president Donald Trump wanting to protect the students that are in our “Dreamers” program, but not their parents being undocumented.
To me, this is horrible because all that their children want is an education. My cousin Daniela is in the Dreamer program, and she has texted me telling me she is afraid about what will happen. The Dreamer program helps kids that come to the US undocumented, get jobs and get into school. Also, if you do well in school, you may receive a scholarship. My cousin has a job now and has helped my uncles with things they need to pay off. My uncles came from Mexico to get away from the danger there and to seek a better life in the U.S. They are now scared of the US for Trumps next move as president. It is not only Hispanics coming to the US as immigrants, but as well as immigrants from the Philippines, Vietnam, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, India, and Korea. When people think of the word immigrant they assume they are Hispanics, but they don’t have knowledge about the people coming from Syria as refugees as well. Social media talks about the bombing in the Mid-east. I was reading a story from this website I found talking about how we cannot save Muslims from themselves, we can only save ourselves from them. I thought this was somewhat true because whatever happens in the Mid-east, the refugees coming to the US aren’t going away.
Dreamers and Refugees
Puzz Puzzle Pieces
Current Report
By Kathy Jurado
No matter where they come from, they just want to live a normal life