Trump states: "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I build them very inexpensively." This seems to be coming true. The real question is who will be paying for this wall? According BBC, Trump believes it will cost approximately $10b-$12b. The question still remains; who will be paying for the wall? A statement made by BBC explains who will pay: “President Trump has always insisted Mexico will pay. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has been equally insistent he will not”.
The second issue is the Muslim ban. This topic can be controversial, but in all truth Donald Trump is prejudice and discriminates certain races. Muslim ban started
off declining Syrian refugees and six other countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen) from entering the United States with green cards. On top of that, they cannot enter the country for 90 days. According to Trump: “To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting. This is not about religion, this is about terror and keeping our country safe”. Many believe that they have lost their rights.
Lastly, he plans to repeal ACA (affordable care act) or also known as Obamacare. Obamacare was made in August of 2012 during Obama’s presidency. It was made to provide affordable healthcare to everyone across the country, when this privilege was taken away from women, it resulted in a huge uproar. The affordable care act benefits women in several ways. Obamacare made contraception items affordable such as birth control, STD/HIV screenings, and even abortion. Many women across the country organized a peaceful march in regards to this. How does this affect us as people in this country? Senator Bernie Sanders states “As Republicans try to repeal the Affordable Care Act, they should be reminded every day that 36,000 people will die yearly as a result.” People’s lives are at stake but Trump believes he can create something better.
The fear is fascism. People don’t see what is obvious; history repeats itself no matter when or what time. Slowly the United States is becoming a paradox. Will the United States still be the land of the free and home of the brave? Liberty and Justice for all? Let’s just check back once it’s the year 2020.
Illustration made by Q. Krusemark