Against the Odds 1 | Page 34

The trumping of America

By Erika Aviles

Ever since the year 1789, we have always had a president. Forty-five to be exact. Some were noble and conscious of what the people wanted and some were self-involved. That is what we know of today as democrats and republicans. President Donald Trump claims to be a republican, but his behavior says different. According to Vanity Fair editor, Graydon Carter: “It can reasonably be argued that the presidency of George W. Bush was an eight-year warm-up act for the final stage of a dumbed-down America: a Trump presidency”. With that being said, there are people in this country that feel America is doomed. The changes Donald Trump is making are crucial to our safety and is slowly making history repeat itself in a sense of past events.

"It can reasonably be argued that the presidency of George W. Bush was an eight-year warm-up act for the final stage of a dumbed-down America: a Trump presidency"

Donald Trump came into office January 20th 2017, and has been president for two months now. What has he done as a president? During the year during his campaigning, he mentioned building a wall in the southern border.