The Black Lives Matter movement and the Black Panther Party were valuable assets to the black community during their era. Both enraged and brought people together as one that believed in the same cause, gaining independence and a voice to speak out against the social injustice endured by racism and discrimination. Both groups taught blacks to love their ethnicity and embrace the real meaning and feeling of being black. They taught that sticking together and fighting for what they believed in is the only way of seeing change, peacefully or radically. The difference between the Black lives movement and the BPP, is the BLM movement was more of a protest and using the deaths of unarmed black men and women as ammunition to fire at our justice system and authority. The BPP was a revolutionary organization that used militant tactics and actual firearms to protect their community and threaten those who tried to oppress them. They also were more organized and had a set of goals they wanted to accomplish. The BLM movement was not really clear of what they wanted, their cause was broader in what they wanted to execute. Both groups only looked at situations as blacks being victimized by whites, but not looking at the situation through more than one perspective.
I, as an African-American teen, agree with both groups. We, as African Americans, cannot blame and cause chaos and start a social movement without addressing the situation at hand. We have to stop giving white people reasons to attack us. Reasons like not abiding the laws and directions, fighting back, and getting into mischief. Instead of protesting, we should educate our brothers and sisters to not kill each other, but to love each other. We cannot get upset when white people attack black, but at the same time kill a fellow black man over nonsense, and not feel any guilt or remorse. It is a double standard. Once we learn to love and not hate, then we can come together and fight against the racism in this nation.
The symbolism in this article is significate with the message of this article. I chose colors like red to represent anger, violence, and power. The white background represents the majority of this nation which is white. The black boarder represents the African Americans and how the white backgound tries to push the boarders out of importance. But, the boarders hangs onto the edge and remain fighting. Not letting the white background take over the whole page or blacks not letting white people taking over and controling this nation.