African Mining March - April 2019 | Page 37

Business the exploration right is held by Glenover and is part of a joint venture with Galileo Resources. The Xiluvo REE Project is located in Mozambique and lies within a mining license held by Promac lda. Geological setting Naturally REE-enriched sources are alkaline volcanic and intrusive rocks. Carbonatites are the most REE-enriched group of igneous rocks, yet only one REE deposit is considered entirely magmatic: the Mountain Pass Deposit in the US. The most common occurrence of REE is associated with carbonatites. The highest REE concentrations are typically encountered in iron- rich dolomitic carbonatite varieties; that is, those with ferroan dolomite to ankerite as the main carbonate phase, sometimes accompanied by siderite. REEs are effectively concentrated in residual deposits such as laterites produced by prolonged tropical weathering. In carbonatites, chemical weathering causes the breakdown of the main minerals. Dissolution of the carbonate phases and apatite releases the REEs, which are subsequently incorporated into new REE supergene phosphate and carbonate minerals such as monazite and/or bastnaesite. REE enrichments achieved in these residual deposits are typically 5–10 times those in the original source rock. China’s near-monopolistic domination of the world rare earth market was due to the discovery of REE ion-adsorption clays. Deep weathering of granitic and acid volcanic rocks without associated denudation, has generated weathering profiles rich in clays. REE released during the breakdown of REE-bearing accessory phases in the protolith are adsorbed onto kaolinitic and halloysitic clay minerals and retained. The interest in rare earth elements (REEs) continues to spread due to increasing dependency on it from the technology sector. Due to the complex nature of these deposits, investors need to take care when considering projects, writes Nicolaas C Steenkamp. complex in Zambia has been noted as a significant deposit while Wigu Hill in Tanzania is held by Montero Mining and Exploration. The Ngualla Hill REE deposit, also in Tanzania, is being developed by Peak Resources. Mrima Hill, one of a cluster of carbonatite and alkaline intrusions in Kenya, was covered by a special mining lease held by Cortec Mining Kenya, but the licence was recently revoked. Developer Namibia Rare Earths holds the exclusive prospecting license for the Lofdal REE project in Namibia. The Zandkopsdrift Project in South Africa is managed by Frontier Rare Earths. The Glenover Complex is also in South Africa, and Historically mined REE deposits are generally associated with mineral sands deposits produced mainly from monazite. The REE mineral content of these heavy mineral sands is around 1%. REE- bearing accessory phases such as zircon, monazite, and xenotime, are common in crustal granitoids and are refractory during weathering; as such, they are a common constituent of heavy mineral sand placers. The REEs are subdivided into ‘light’ (LREE) and ‘heavy’ (HREE). The LREEs are dominantly hosted in bastnaesite and monazite and lesser fluoro-carbonates. Lateritic deposits tend to be more HREE enriched. These HREEs are derived from secondary processes and are loosely bound via adsorption processes within clay minerals. Applications of REEs There are 17 REEs that vary in scarcity and in their applications. Rare earths are used to make strong permanent magnets which, in turn, are used in the electric motors that provide power for appliances, robots, and electric vehicles (EVs). REEs are also playing a role in the renewable energy development sector. The magnets used in wind turbines are also made of REEs. High-strength neodymium magnets are used in industries such as electrical motor manufacture, medical science, and renewable energy. It is used in commercial products, such as headphones, cellular phone speakers, and microphones. MARCH - APRIL 2019 AFRICAN MINING 35