African Mining February 2020 | Page 32

 RISK MANAGEMENT h M a ri tz , s e n i o r e nv What is your counter-argument when debating with a climate change denialist who argues that climate change is part of a natural cycle and that the human contribution to climate change is minimal? (AM): There have been natural periods of global warming and cooling over the earth’s history, taking place over thousands of years. The rapid warming which the world is experiencing now, however, is not in line with these natural cycles. Rather, this has occurred over a course of decades, driven largely by increased greenhouse gas emissions largely due to our reliance on fossil fuels. en ie Re ti e f, s e n io r e n vir o n m ta en l s ci however both have risen quickly, now reaching their highest levels recorded. Since the late 1800s, the earth’s average surface temperature has risen about 0.9 degrees Celsius. The oceans absorb a great deal of this increased heat, and records since 1969 indicate that the heat energy stored in the top 700m of ocean have increased, leading to thermal expansion. Melting of land ice (ice sheets and glaciers), combined with the thermal expansion of seawater as the oceans warm, is causing sea levels to rise with evidence showing the rise to be about eight inches in the last century. Satellite observations reveal that the amount of spring snow cover in the northern hemisphere has decreased over the past five decades and that the snow is melting earlier in the season. Data from Antarctic ice cores show that temperature and carbon dioxide levels have been in sync throughout history, m ir o n t e ig hl co cip ). Z y l, d i r e c t o r a n d n p ri van ew dr Extreme events like heatwaves and intense cold spells will continue to have an impact on the way countries develop in the future. 30  African Mining  February 2020 www.