1 Timothy 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

Do you think of the Christian life as serious and full of painful sacrifice? No! Jesus came so we can be forgiven and walk in freedom.

I imagine that Jesus walked from village to village, community to community teaching on very serious subject matter – but I imagine that he radiated joy and brought out the best in those around Him.

The Lord gives us blessings so we can use those blessings for His glory. Those blessings aren’t limited to financial blessings! We’re responsible to make the most of our time, talent, and material belongings. True joy and happiness, in God’s economy, comes from sharing.

Remember the parable of the rich man who stored up wealth in barns? He thought he had security for the future, but he passed away before he could enjoy all those riches.

The book of Timothy reminds those with a lot of material wealth to not become arrogant nor put their hope in wealth.

That reminder is for everyone! Don’t put your faith in your career, physical strength, or relationships. Don’t become arrogant because that means we’re not trusting in God.

God wants us to enjoy our lives! He wants us to express gratitude for the blessings He’s given us. To maximize those blessings, reach out in love to others. That is where we experience real joy!

True Happiness

by Sandra Madison