needed to build bones during the teenage years, but choose only natural fat or no fat version unlike other artificial fat versions.

8.Snack healthily

If you are hungry between meals, make sure your snacks are healthy as snacking is an easy way to add a lot of extra calories without really meaning to. Try low fat yogurt, fruits, hummus with vegetables to dip or a few unsalted nuts as healthier options.

9.Choose healthier options when eating out

When eating out beware of very high calorie take away and fast foods. Choose foods that are based on vegetables, grilled or steamed and stay away from fried foods.

10.Switch to green tea and smoothie

Green tea is one of the top fat-burning foods. In one study, drinking four cups of green tea a day helped people shed more than six pounds in eight weeks.

This rich smoothie is perfect if you get tired of sipping hot green tea. Flavored with cayenne spices, lemon, and agave nectar, it provides all the nutritional benefits of green tea and will fill you up, to boot.