braking (AEB) because it costs too much. This
is despite that AEB is proven to reduce nose to
tail accidents from between 42% and 57%.
Nominations for our next Fleet Awards are
already open in our regular 3 categories of
Fleet Manager of the Year (sponsored in 2020
by BP Australia), Fleet Environment Award
(sponsored in 2020 by Hyundai Australia) and
Fleet Safety Award (sponsorship in 2020 by
Teletrac Navman) and we thank those that
have already accepted their nomination. This
is a significant chance to recognise the work
of an organisation or an individual for their
contributions to their organisations fleet so
think about who you could nominate or even
As we close out the year we look to connect
with you at our upcoming Professional
Development Forums held in Brisbane,
Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and
Hobart this October and November. We always
treasure these opportunities to connect with
members and guests around some of the
key issues affecting fleet professionals and
automotive industry leaders and are delighted
with our range of diverse speakers planned for
this batch. Our Annual General Meeting will be
held on the 12th November in Melbourne and
all members are invited to join us for this to get
an update on AfMA’s future strategies and key
financial updates.
For the remainder of 2019 AfMA is continuing
our work to support Charge Together Fleets
(CTF) – a program funded in partnership by
Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Arena),
Evenergi and NRMA and facilitated by the
Electric Vehicle Council and Evenergi. The aim
of the program is to develop an online platform
to assist fleet and sustainability managers
transition to electric vehicles and future mobility
models. The online platform consists of three
areas, a learning management system, fleet
toolbox and communications centre. CTF is all
about getting interested stakeholders involved
so please click here to find out more.
It goes without saying that we would like to
thank our members, suppliers and partners for
their ongoing support of AfMA and of the fleet
industry in general. In particular I would like to
acknowledge our corporate partners Manheim,
NTT Data Figtree Systems, Pedders, RedBook,
BP Australia and Kids Under Cover for their
invaluable support and contributions to AfMA.
Please don’t forget to check out the latest fleet
news at afma.org.au and to stay in touch with
the AfMA Office by contacting us on 03 9866
6056, via email at [email protected] or giving
me a call on 0499 475 959.
Mace Hartley