AfMA Fleetdrive Issue 19 | Page 20

I really enjoyed about the AfMA Swinburne Business Leadership and Management course was the diversity within the group. It put us in an environment where we can learn and listen to others and then hear each a bit about our different experiences. So I say I found that really beneficial. D: Was there any other specific learnings you got out of the course? A: I suppose the other aspect that I got out of the course was looking at the impact of social media on business these days and the different types of marketing to be aware of. So considering what opportunities are out there so to speak. I found that that was very refreshing. generally current and definitely a reason for others to do the course as well. D: Is there a certain audience that you think might especially benefit from doing the course? A: I think anyone who’s involved in looking after assets, running projects or in general leadership 20 ISSUE 19 2019 / WWW.AFMA.ORG.AU would benefit from the course. There’s an awful lot of talk that come out of the course and lots of discussions that facilitate teamwork. There’s lots of different models you can use to implement change within an organisation and it’s through these models that you can ultimately support your staff so it was great to learn more about these. D: Where do you see yourself going career wise in the future? Is there a new avenue you might be looking to go down? A: I see myself being willing to not only continue in general fleet business research but also reviewing other businesses in a more commercial sense looking more at profit and loss and factors like this. As you know in the space of local government there’s a lot of opportunities that I think are constantly changing. Continuous improvement in businesses is becoming a far more relevant topic these days and I certainly see that as a new opportunity for myself to strategically manage the business moving forward.