AfMA Fleetdrive Issue 19 | Page 19

FLEETDRIVE AfMA catches up with Andrew Levingston, Program Leader - Plant Fleet, Workshops & Depots at the Armidale Regional Council Daniel: So you’ve been with Armidale for quite a while. What are the ongoing challenges that you’ve been working through recently? Andrew: I guess the current change or challenge that we’re working through is what our council is calling our transformation program. It’s all about looking at how council currently undertakes its business and identifying some key projects for the future, particularly between now and 2022. D: And how have you gone about those changes? A: When we began our review of the business we basically created different working groups to start reviewing our business. Our general approach is to understand the scope, design and scale of the project and how that might link with other businesses within the council. That’s essentially where we are at the moment. D: Do you feel like that has that worked so far? A: In the last sort of 6-12 months we’ve looked at how we can work more closely alongside other local government businesses. We’re working with consultants as far as looking at opportunities to commercialise the business and to put a business model out to other potential businesses which is exciting. And then once we get a couple of options we’ll do some other marketing to find some other shareholders that can take the business forward. D: Do you feel like your role over time has changed? What have you noticed over the years? A: I think as a fleet manager it’s changed quite a bit. I think there’s a lot more diversity now across management in that we need to be across a lot more legislation. You also need to have medium to high level IT skills especially in Excel to process a lot of different information and to do overall business modelling. I think that that’s different to how it used to be – today it’s all about embracing technology to build efficiencies and having that integration working across new technology. Moving forward the job is very different to even how it was two years ago. D: You’ve spoken a little bit about the need for constant upskilling and retraining for a changing industry. Is that part of the reason you decided to complete the Graduate Diploma of Leadership and Management? What was that like? A: I really enjoyed it. There was a captive audience in our Sydney group and that was very good to have that face to face time, even in terms of just generally networking. The thing ISSUE 19 2019 / WWW.AFMA.ORG.AU 19