AfMA Fleetdrive Issue 18 | Page 16

Watching your weight Here’s why checking the weight of your rig is even more important than you think. WORDS BY DANIEL BRAID I t might seem ridiculous to those of us in fleet, but paying attention to the weight of a vehicle load is still not something that’s taken very seriously by the wider public. But thankfully due to tighter restrictions from government bodies and the results of a recent court case that might be changing for the better. So whether you’re towing caravans, trailers or other heavy loads it’s important to be aware of the serious repercussion of towing above a certain weight. Remember - it’s not only the safety of you and your employees that needs 16 ISSUE 18 2019 / WWW.AFMA.NET.AU to be considered, but the safety of other road users as well. In June this year, a man was charged with a number of offences in relation to a fatal crash near Walcha, NSW, which claimed two lives in January, 2019. The Toyota Prado that he was driving, was towing a caravan when the vehicle struck Armco railing and then a tree, killing the front and rear seat passengers of the vehicle. Another rear seat passenger and the driver survived the crash.