“There are benefits to the
environment but by and large
EV’s are about creating a
financial solution to transport.”
DB: And from what I’ve read the AEVA took
a fairly hands on approach to EVs as well?
CJ: What we also did a lot of in the early days was
helping people convert vehicles to electric if that’s
what they wanted to do. A lot of our members
were electrical engineers or mechanical engineers
who were sort of interested in that kind of thing.
And a lot of what we did was explaining the
technology to anyone who was interested. So that
is kind of how we formed.
Listen to this Q&A as an
extended podcast as part
of AfMA’s new Interview
Series on Whooshkaa.
DB: Now you’re based as a national
secretary in Perth, but I take it the AEVA
has a presence far wider than that?
CJ: Definitely, I mean we’ve certainly got a presence
in every state and territory. Our acting president
now is based in Hobart, but before that president
was in Sydney but he’s had to hand that over
because life got in the way. We’ve got branches in
each in each state and territory and I guess we’re
kind of more of a federation of branches. There is
a national council which meets regularly, and we
DB: I guess there’s little doubt electric vehicles have a conference and AGM every year and that
are a sustainable environmental solution
moves around the country year by year. The next
for the future, but a lot of people often have
conference is going to be in Sydney in late October.
concerns over their financial viability. Is that a We’ve organised talks and expos and test drives
perception you’re working to change?
and the like, along with our AGM.
CJ: Yes, in fact you’d probably almost rank them
DB: You mentioned the upcoming AEVA
in the opposite direction. There are benefits to
conference. What would the benefit be for
the environment but by and large EVs are about
those within fleet management in perhaps
creating a financial solution to transport. They
getting along to this event?
are more expensive up front but our role I guess
CJ: Yeah it would totally be worth getting along
is to encourage people to hold onto vehicles for
to. We basically create a place for interested
longer and you do indeed come out in front. But
of course, that upfront capital cost is what has the parties to come together to meet and greet. So,
the last conference we had in Brisbane there
biggest concern for most drivers.
We basically create a place for interested
parties to come together to meet and greet.