AfMA Fleetdrive Issue 16 | Page 15

DAY 3 HIGHLIGHTS FLEETDRIVE KEYNOTE - WOMEN IN FLEET MANAGEMENT PLENARY III - MOBILITY MANAGEMENT – THE FUTURE AND THE NOW! Women have been operating in fleet management for decades and a few have ascended to very senior roles within organisations. Whilst this is true, there remain many challenges for women within fleet. Mobility as a Service (MaaS or MassService) is utopia but perhaps the first step is Mobility as a Solution (MaaSolution). Whilst we are some way from MaaService bringing every kind of transport together into a single intuitive mobile app. MaaSolution is here and now. Perhaps these challenges are no different for men in fleet management however one thing is different and that’s the limited number of women in senior roles. Further, fleet management roles can be a little insular to other fleet managers therefore limiting the opportunity to be a role model for other women in fleet. This keynote will outline the journey of the US based Automotive & Fleet Leasing Association (AFLA) has been on with their Women in Fleet Management group. MaaSolution is about asset utilisation, be it your asset or someone elses. Most vehicle assets are used less than 10% of the time providing opportunities to do more with them such as vehicle pooling or realising it might be cheaper to use someone else’s assets. In this session you’ll hear from the RACV about their new app Arevo. It’s represents the early stages of MaaService and we’ll explore some unique MaaSolutions. Thinking outside the square delivering substantial savings and improved services. A fleet managers role is challenging, multi-disciplined and often undervalued within an organisation. How does the fleet manager maximise their influence, gain a seat at the management table and ensure their voice is heard? PLENARY IV – A SEAT AT THE TABLE This panel discussion looks at the role of a fleet manager in a number of operational environments, their responsibilities, experiences and practical ideas to influence outcomes and demonstrate value. It might seem simple enough, but going above and beyond takes strategy and an understanding of your organisational goals outside of fleet management. Based on their own experiences, our experts will discuss winning solutions and open your mind to what is possible. ISSUE 16 2019 / WWW.AFMA.NET.AU 15