AfMA Fleetdrive Issue 16 | Page 14

DAY 2 HIGHLIGHTS KEYNOTE – FLEET INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITIES AND REMUNERATION PLENARY I – THE CHANGING FACE OF FLEET MANAGEMENT The roles and responsibilities of those operating within the fleet industry are as varied as types of companies running fleets of vehicles. In fact, AfMA has over 100 different titles for members who manage vehicles. This keynote will reflect on the remuneration survey being completed in 2019 and will highlight the variations in roles, responsibilities and remuneration across Australia. Whilst key elements and day to day tasks/functions of fleet management haven’t changed in decades, the deliverables have. In this plenary you’ll hear from industry specialists from Australia, America and Belgium who’ll present their views on this changing landscape of fleet management. Think technology, IoT, data, safety, environment, mobility, strategy and knowledge loss. Where are you on this 3-dimensional chess board of fleet management? PLENARY II – ROAD SAFETY – ARRIVING FIRST You’re driving to your next meeting, you hear the screech of tires, the smashing of metal, smoke and debris fills the air as your slam on your brakes. To your horror two vehicles are strewn across the road in front of you. What do you do next? Whilst we hope we’ll never face this situation, the fact is, the longer we spend on the road the higher our chances of being a first responder to the scene of an accident. In this session you’ll hear from experts on what to do, how to do it, your obligations morally, legally and how to understand and cope with the trauma of dealing with this event. Attendees will be provided with a check list they can provide to their drivers to educate them in case they are involved in a similar situation 14 ISSUE 16 2019 / WWW.AFMA.NET.AU FLEET AWARDS & NETWORKING DINNER This year AfMA Conference Dinner will be held at the completion of Day 2, May 23rd at the beautiful Plaza Ballroom at the Regent Theatre. Alongside a delicious dinner we are delighted to welcome Swing Star – Tribute to the Kings of Swing to perform for us plus we will be celebrating excellence in fleet at our annual AfMA Fleet Awards ceremony. The awards seek to identify advances in best practice in Fleet Management and to bring these to the attention of its members and the industry. Since their introduction in 1996 the awards have recognised new approaches and applications that have produced substantial reductions in costs, lowered emissions and improved safety outcomes.