AED 222 TUTOR Anywhere Start Here/ AED 222 TUTOR Anywhere Start Here/ | Page 23

review the behavior or skill through role-play activities . Carter is given a behavior contract to use in the classroom and his parents reinforce the desired behaviors at home . After several weeks , Carter begins to respond to his support plan and contract by exhibiting better classroom behavior and social skills .
Scenario Two
Monica is a 5th grader with a history of violent behavior at school . She has been involved in several fights and suspended numerous times this school year . A group of school personnel including her classroom teachers , counselor , and assistant principal develops a behaviorintervention plan for Monica . It is soon determined , however , that this plan is ineffective for addressing her problems and that further intervention is needed . A team of behavior support specialists , psychologists , counselors , social workers , and administrators meets to develop a comprehensive intervention plan for Monica . Monica is assigned to short-term individual therapy sessions . She also receives services from juvenile justice personnel and mental health service providers outside of school . In addition , Monica ' s parents are involved in the sessions because family empowerment is a major emphasis of the overall comprehensive behavior intervention plan for Monica .
Scenario Three