AED 222 TUTOR Anywhere Start Here/ AED 222 TUTOR Anywhere Start Here/ | Page 22

Post the highlighted portions of the Appendix C matrix . Only post the highlighted portions to avoid revealing the exceptionality you are addressing in your profile to your classmates . What exceptionalities are addressed in your classmates ’ mock case study ? What additional information could they have included to clarify the exceptionality or the student ’ s needs ? What information was particularly useful for you in the identification process ? Provide feedback to help them improve their student profiles and use their comments and feedback to improve your student profile .
In the following scenarios , determine which level of behavior management is addressed and describe the factors involved that led you to these conclusions :
Scenario One
Carter is a 4th grade student who has displayed repetitive minor behavioral problems throughout the school year . The consequences contained within the classroom behavior management plan do not seem to be working for him , so his classroom teacher , Mr . Brunk , seeks the help of Mrs . Wright , the school counselor . Mrs . Wright invites Carter to join the school ' s Social Skills Club . She works with Carter regularly , both individually and in small groups , on the social skills he needs . He is given a positive behavior support plan and is explicitly taught the desired behaviors . In the club , Carter is asked to demonstrate the modeledbehavior or social skill and also practice and