Adviser Update Summer 2013 | Page 18

By Norma Sumarnap Kneese black P01.V52.I4 Adviser Update Quest for diversity must continue DIVERSITY A cyan magenta yellow SUMMER 2013 Page18A Norma Sumarnap Kneese taught English, speech, reading and journalism at Snake River HS in Blackfoot, Idaho, for 26 years. She advised the school’s newspaper and yearbook and was active in the Idaho Student Journalism Association. She is CJE and MJE certified by JEA and taught at numerous diversity workshops at the state and national levels. She served as multicultural chair for JEA. “ We need to change the way people think. We need to change people’s perspectives. That is why we need to keep pushing, to keep focusing, to keep pressing diversity. ” s the multicultural chair for Journalism Education Association, it has been rewarding and disappointing at the same time. The Multicultural Commission began back in the early 1990s when Walterene Swanston was invited to do diversity training with the JEA board. Soon after the training, President Ken Siver created the Multicultural Commission with Steve O’Donoghue as chair. It has now been over 20 years since that first step in placing diversity in the forefront of publications, staffs and advisers.  Over the years, JEA and NSPA have seen a slow increase of students of color at the national conventions. The unfortunate fact is that many students of co ܈\