FALL 2014
Adviser Update
FALL 2014
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inda Shockley has been named managing
director of the Dow Jones News Fund. The
announcement was made Aug. 25 by Richard
J. Levine , News Fund president.
Since April, Shockley has led the News
Fund in her capacity as deputy director, a
position she assumed in 1992, four years
after joining the News Fund as assistant to
the director. Shockley’s experience and her
commitment to the News Fund’s mission of
promoting journalism careers among students
and helping diversify the nation’s newsrooms
will be invaluable in her new role.
While her background is in print journalism,
Shockley has acquired a broad range of digital skills, which she has employed to develop
and oversee the website, produce the annual
report, digitize internal operations and make
social media an important part of the News
Fund’s work and communications. These
skills will enable her to strengthen and expand the News Fund’s digital programs while
maintaining quality instruction in the basics of
journalism — accurate and unbiased reporting, clear and compelling writing and superb
copy editing.
During her quarter century with the News
Fund, Shockley’s primary responsibilities
included managing the support of summer
high school journalism workshops to promote
diversity and the business reporting internship
program since its inception in 1995. She has
also been responsible for Adviser Update, the
quarterly newspaper for high school media
teachers, alumni relations and the National
High School Journalism Teacher of the Year
Before joining the News Fund, Shockley
spent more than 12 years as an education
reporter, news editor, bureau chief, columnist
and city editor at what was then Gannett Suburban Newspapers in Westchester County,
She holds a B.A. in journalism from the Uni-
versity of
and has
been the
of many
honors for
her work in
Linda Shockley
the Robert
Knight Multicultural Recruitment Award from
the Association for Education in Journalism
and Mass Communication; a Gold Key from
the Columbia Scholastic Press Association,
and the Pioneer Award from the National
Scholastic Press Association. Linda is a
member of the American Society of News
Editors and the National Association of Black
AEJMC honors the Bowens
Bowen, Kent State,
was named the Division’s David Adams
Scholastic Journalism Educator at the
Montreal meeting.
Nicole Kraft, Teaching Chair, presented
his award. Update
See ROUNDUP on page A10
photos by Sue Zake
HONORS SPEECH — Candace Perkins Bowen, Kent State
University, receives a plaque to commemorate the Honors
Speech she delivered to college journalism faculty at the
AEJMC convention in Montreal in August. Presenting the
annual award is Calvin Hall, North Carolina Central University,
head of the group’s Scholastic Journalism Division.
Students from eight states participated in
the 31st Multicultural Journalism Workshop offered at the University of Alabama
this past summer.
MJW students covered stories in cities
in the Northeast corner of Alabama, at the
fiNd resourCes for sTudeNTs, Too!
Contests, games, learn, Tech, Workshops, College,
badges & awards, advisory board, school News hub
1 for All
Teachers and schools will be recognized
for their innovative ways of promoting
the First Amendment in the 1 for All First
Amendment Challenge.
The top 40 teachers will be awarded
$1,000 for their efforts, and the top 40
schools hosting school wide events will
also be recognized.
Guidelines for the contest are available
at 1forAll.us.
Entries will be judged by a panel of
journalists and educators and accepted
on a rolling basis until March 1, 2015.
The flexible timeframe allows teachers
to participate when it works best for their
The 1 for All First Amendment Challenge is funded by a generous grant from
the Robert R. McCormick Foundation
and administered by the Youth Journali