Continued from page 9A
foot of the Appalachians.
On Visiting Professionals Day, professionals
around the state came to campus to work one-onone with students to edit students’ stories for print,
and suggest multimedia angles. Students also visited
The Birmingham News magazine and many local
tourist attractions.
Students learned not only about beat reporting,
but also produced original stories of their own, which
are in the MJP Journal (with an expanded version
that includes video and audio online).
Student work can be seen at http://MJW2014.
Susie Knoblauch, formerly with the Illinois High
School Association, received the Friend of Scholastic Journalism Award from the Illinois Journalism
Education Association at its Fall Conference at the
University of Illinois. Knoblauch has been at the helm
of the statewide journalism contest for the past nine
years and has been a supporter of advisers and their
IJEA’s board of directors has three new members:
FALL 2014
Angie Brown, an adviser at Greenfield HS; Katie
Comeford, an adviser at Phoenix Military Academy;
and Trudy Hurd, an adviser at Cisne HS. Brenda
Field, a former board member from Glenbrook South
HS, became the new JEA state director for Illinois
when the position was vacated by Stan Zoller, now
the East Region director for JEA.
FEEDBACK — Junior writer Abigail Faircloth and sophomore writer
Hydeia Nutt receive feedback on their features assignment for The
Royal News from adviser Chris Waugaman. Photo by Ronnie Dayvault/
The Royal News
A group of journalism
teachers in Missouri officially
rolled out the Missouri Journalism Education Associ-
ation in late August to help protect and
enhance scholastic journalism in Missouri.
Benefits of the new JEA-affiliate include:
• More than a dozen individual student
• The first All-State Journalism Team in
• Access to an Adviser Help Button if
troubles arise
• The only state-sponsored summer workshop Media Now STL and member-only
student scholarships
• A monthly e-newsletter
• Opportunity to apply or recommend
someone for the State MJEA Student
Journalist of the Year, Adviser of the Year
and Rising Star Awards
• Opportunity to nominate someone deserving for the State Administrator of the Year
and Friend of Scholastic Journalism.
• Support from colleagues statewide
MJEA is working to form Missouri’s
largest organization of scholastic advisers
from schools of all sizes throughout all
parts of Missouri.
For more details, check out the site:
www.missourijea.org or contact Mitch
Eden, president, at eden@thekirkwoodcall. HONOR — Teresa Johnson, Chantilly (Va.) HS principal, has been named JEA’s 2014 Administrator of the
Year. Johnson is valued by Chantilly advisers for her
unflagging support of scholastic journalism and First
Amendment Rights. She has been principal for three
years and assistant principal over the English department three years prior to becoming head administrator.
“I am honored and humbled to be recognized by JEA,”
she said when notified of the award. “I have wonderful,
professional advisers and students who deserve support
as their work is a key and valued contribution to Chantilly
High School.” Update photo courtesy of Mary Kay Downes
The Pennsylvania School Press Association, in partnership with three Pennsylvania
universities, is hosting regional writing
competitions. The Student Journalism
Competitions are being held this fall at
three Penn State campuses, Point Park
University and Temple University.
The regional competitions are a new
initiative aimed at students in yearbook, newspaper,
TV and literary magazine programs. The 14 write-off
prompts and five carry-in prompts are modeled on
the NSPA prompts students encounter at the national
JEA/NSPA conventions. Winners in each category
advance to a state competition at Penn State University in the spring.
For more information, visit paschoolpress.org.
Quill and Scroll
Eight college freshmen received Quill and Scroll
International Honorary Society scholarships to begin
their journalism or communication studies this fall.
Recipients of the top scholarship award, the
George and Ophelia Gallup Scholarship, are Carly
Lanich, graduate of Lawrence Central HS, Indiana,
and Alexa Chryssovergis, a Lakota East HS, Ohio,
graduate. Both are attending Indiana University-Bloomington.
Edward J. Nell Scholarship recipients are:
Amanda Weisbrod (Lakota East HS, Ohio) who is
attending Ohio University; Ashley-Nicole Chin-Ferdinand, TERRA Environmental Research Institute,
Florida, attending Florida International University, Miami; Kaitlin Billman, Lawrence Central HS, Indiana,
attending Indiana University-Bloomington; Rachel
Horowitz, Wakefield HS, North Carolina, attending
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; and Lauren
Kostiuk, Eisenhower HS, Michigan, attending Columbia College in Chicago.
Starria Coppins, graduate of Fraser HS in Michigan, received the Richard P. Johns Scholarship to
attend Michigan State University-Lansing.
More than 60 applications were received for the
2014 scholarships. Seniors planning to major in
journalism or communications in college and who are
members of the honor society or were awarded Gold
Keys in Quill and Scroll’s Yearbook Excellence or
Writing, Photo and Blogging contests are eligible to
apply for the scholarships.
The deadline for 2015 Quill and Scroll scholarships is May 10. More information is available at
The deadline for the Quill and Scroll Writing,
Photo Contest and Blogging Competition is Feb.
5. Each contest recognizes individual journalistic
achievements of students. Middle and junior high
school journalists may enter the Quill [