Adviser Update Fall 2013 | Page 5

FALL 2013 ADVISER UPDATE SPECIAL RECOGNITION ADVISERS Continued from page 4A Michele Dunaway Francis Howell HS, St. Charles, Mo. Service: Advises Francis Howell Spotlight newspaper and Spotlight online, the yearbook, literary magazine and Education: B.S., elementary education, University of Missouri, St. Louis; M.A. media communications, Webster University, 30 graduate hours post master’s at various universities Background: Dunaway taught at several Missouri elementary, middle and high schools before arriving at Francis Howell HS. She holds a 2010 Gold Key from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and a JEA Medal of Merit. She was the 2012 Missouri Interscholastic Press Association Journalism Teacher of the Year, 2012 JEA Distinguished Yearbook Adviser of the Year and the recipient of the First Amendment Press Freedom Award in 2013.   She is the author of 23 novels for Harlequin Enterprises. Issue facing scholastic journalism: “Reduction in programming is one of the most pressing issues facing scholastic journalism. In many places, our student numbers are shrinking and our classes are disappearing. As advisers, we need to find a way to work well with fewer staff members, and we need to find ways to prove that just because programs are small, they are no less valid or essential … The smaller a program is, the more endangered it seems to