Adviser Update Fall 2013 | Page 4

P01.V52.I4 BLACK CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW PAGE 4A Charla Harris FALL 2013 2013 DJNF Distinguished Advisers Pleasant Grove HS, Texarkana Texas Service: Advises Edge newspaper, PG Edge Online, the Hawk yearbook and the broadcast program PGTV Education: M.S., interdisciplinary studies and teacher certification (English, history, journalism), East Texas State University, Texarkana; B.A., journalism, University of Arkansas Background: Harris serves as regional representative for the Texas Association of Journalism Educators; judge and presenter for the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association. She worked for the Prairie Grove Enterprise weekly newspaper in high school and college. Issue facing scholastic journalism: “I would love a chance to meet with education agency officials at the state level across the country to talk about journalism programs, to tell them about my students and others who have benefitted from working on the yearbook and newspaper. I’d love to show them some of the publications students across the country have produced this year. It might not change their minds, but I think they’d be impressed. I know I am.” Matthew Schott ADVISER UPDATE Francis Howell Central HS, Cottleville, Mo. Charla Harris Matthew Schott Service: Adviser to FHCToday. com, Central Focus newspaper, Odyssey yearbook, iFocus broadcast and Perihelion literary magazine Education: Master’s, education, University of Phoenix; B.S., communication, Truman State University Background: Schott was a 2010 Missouri Journalism Teacher of the Year and DJNF Special Recognition Adviser. He received the 2012 Robert Knight Award from the Missouri Interscholastic Press Association. He has worked as a design editor and copy editor at the St. Joseph News-Press, Copley Chicago Newspapers; sports design editor at the Key W