Reducing Unnecessary Employee Turnover
By Denise Alper
It has been an “employees’ market” since 2013-2014 so it has been harder and harder for
employers to attract and retain talent. According to Cara Silletto of Crescendo Strategies and
LeadingAge New York annual conference speaker, if you build a place where people want to
work, you can better control the impact of this workforce shift.
The best method for retaining talent is improving management effectiveness throughout all
levels of the organization. Employers must evolve and re-envision their notions of leadership
and their corporate culture, as the traditional mindset and definitions of success no longer
apply to this new workforce. What were once considered luxuries or perks of a job have now
become standard expectations.
Ms. Silletto explored the effect of having the eighty million members of the Millennial
generation now becoming a significant percentage of the workforce. A member of that
generation herself, she encouraged Baby Boomer and Gen X managers to rethink how they
hire, manage and develop this new wave of employees. She identified five primary points of
contention in generational differences and how to address them, which she “put on the TABLE”
for the conference attendees:
T echnology – Things changed quickly as Millennials were growing up, so today, channel
Millennials’ need to seek constant progress by focusing them on areas that need improvement.
A uthority – Respect based on titles and seniority is no longer automatic – you will need to
gain Millennials’ respect through influence, expertise and mentorship.
B alance – Millennials seek work/life integration, value authenticity and being “who they are”
whether at work or play, so it’s time to review leaders’ attitudes toward, and policies on,
conventions such as punctuality, dress code, and being present vs. “distracted” at work.
L oyalty – Treat employees like internal customers, never stop making the effort to win them
over and show genuine appreciation for their commitment over time. Increased transparency
will result in greater trust, which is earned and built over time. With trust comes loyalty and
with loyalty comes longer tenured employees.
All employees want a vo ice.
All employees want recognition and appreciation.
All employees want opportunities for advancement.
All employees want flexibility and a better quality of life.
All employees want a great coach, not a boss.
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