By Monica Thom Konschnik , Jesuit Volunteer Corps ; Catholic Apostolate Center ; Catholic Volunteer Network Board Chair
A man named John was sent from God . He came for testimony , to testify to the light , so that all might believe through him . ( John 1:6-8 )
This has been a year of waiting . Waiting for the pandemic to end . Waiting for results of a COVID test . Waiting to figure out if and when we can go back to work . Waiting to see our friends and family . Waiting for our sourdough starter to be ready to bake . Waiting to celebrate important life events . Waiting to have a graduation or to get married . Waiting to memorialize a loved one who has died . Waiting for a vaccine . Waiting for everything to go back to how things were before the pandemic hit .
And here we are , this Advent season , waiting .
Waiting and preparing for the coming of Christ at Christmas . Waiting , as John the Baptist did in the Gospel . He knew what was coming ; he knew that Christ was going to follow him .
Our waiting for Christ is a hopeful waiting . A joyful waiting . While we do not know when the pandemic will end , we know that Christ will come to us at Christmas and we know that Christ will come for us at the end of time . We should relish in that joyful waiting while we continue to wait for some semblance of normalcy to return to our daily lives by finding moments of light , of peace , and of personal growth .
This week , I challenge all of us ( myself , included ) to focus your energy of service on yourself in an act of self-care . Self -care is not selfish behavior . It is a way , especially during these trying times , to be able to put our best selves out into the world , to our families , to our friends , to our colleagues , and to those who serve . Take a few moments this week to do an activity that brings you joy , that allows you to appreciate this season of waiting and all of the beauty that comes with that .
Good and gracious God , we know you are with us in our waiting . Help us to be patient in our time of waiting . Help us to trust in you and your great plan for our lives . Help us to find joy in our time of waiting , both in Advent and in the current world situation . Help us to find peace in our time of waiting when it becomes too much to handle or is overwhelming . Amen .
This Gospel encourages us to look beyond the current situation to what is to come . In the current pandemic , we are called to do something for those around us and for our world . We can do acts of charity by wearing a mask , social distancing , staying home when we can , picking up groceries for an elderly neighbor , making dinner for someone who is sick , reaching out to a healthcare worker we may know to see how we can help them , and supporting local business .
Week 3 of Advent | December 13 , 2020