Advent 2020: Volunteer Reflections on the Gospels | Page 4

By Mike McCormick , Augustinian Volunteers ; Catholic Volunteer Network
Behold , I am sending my messenger ahead of you ; he will prepare your way . ( Mark 1:1-8 )
Today ’ s reading begins with the words of the Prophet Isaiah – “ Behold , I am sending my messenger ahead of you ; he will prepare your way .”
If there was ever a year I wished God would send a messenger to guide me , this is certainly it . 2020 has been a challenge in all the wrong ways . Many straight paths have become twisted roads . Sometimes it feels like there aren ’ t roads at all – and that I ’ m simply trekking through wilderness .
Like many , I feel lost . And while being lost is a scary feeling , maybe it ’ s also the best place to begin finding ourselves . After all , today ’ s story is not only about John the Baptist , but also about the people of Judea and the residents of Jerusalem who go out to him in the desert .
Those people left the cities behind to risk a journey into the wild – where instead of danger , they found baptism , reconciliation , and hope (“ One mightier than I is coming …”). This model encourages me to make a similar “ journey ” through prayer these next few weeks – even if I do not physically get away from Washington , DC , where I currently live .
Looking back , my own service year in 2014-2015 felt very much like a journey into the wild – one which I am still processing . I can only imagine what this journey must feel like in 2020 . For all those serving now , please take heart and know that this community of volunteers and alumni holds you close in prayer !
You are the people who have risked the journey . You are the people helping straighten twisted paths . You are loved and appreciated . Do not be afraid .
This Advent season , many people are facing food insecurity . My service suggestion is to donate within your means to your local food bank or local food drives . If you are unable to drop off donations in person , there may be opportunities to give financially to churches and nonprofits who are organizing food runs and home deliveries during this pandemic . Consider searching online or asking your neighbors for leads on who is organizing !
God , we give thanks for the clear paths and the broken ones . Help us navigate the roads ahead . Help us not to feel alone . Help us to love and nourish those who journey with us . And help us to extend love and kindness to the strangers we may meet along the way . To you we journey . Amen .
John the Baptist ’ s call to baptism and forgiveness of sin is not just about one person . It is about the whole community journeying and repenting together . Can you imagine what this would look like in our world today ? It is hard to picture – but I can imagine it would be a joyful occasion . As individuals , we could celebrate our freedom and renewal of heart . As a community , we could clearly see and transform the biases and harmful dynamics that keep us from loving and valuing every person .
Week 2 of Advent | December 6 , 2020