Adults Inc. volume # 1 | Page 3

Welcome Back!

After a bit of a walk about, we are pleased to welcome back some great members that were missed.

old man's army, me, earl, and am666 have returned to the fold after finding that no one makes more noise then we do!

Adults Inc.


JK's famous van is currently the logo for Adults Inc. and there are many who wonder what exactly happens in there? Just remember, what happens in the van, stays in the van. Unless its herpes. JK aka Vandango is our senior guy and if our leader JayL1954 is not around look for JK if you need to talk to senior clan member.

We're on KiK!

Are you on kik? Give us your SN and get in on the fun. Kik is a free messenger service for iPhone. Make sure you search iTunes under iPhone, not iPad, even though it works fine on iPad.