Adult Enrichment Spring Supplement Spring 2018 | Page 8
How to Pay for the Nursing Home:
An Attorney's Perspective
Protect Your Identity
Protect one of your most valuable assets–
your identity. Identity theft is real and
hacked accounts as well as scams are
common place today. Learn ways to protect
your online identity and your devices from
being hijacked. This timely class will give
you the resources you need to stay safe and
surf safely. Elise d'Entremont
Date: Thu, Apr 19
Time: 6:30–8:30 pm
Cost: $35
Class #: AEPC2
Location: Boutwells Landing,
Technology Learning Center
So You Are the Executor or Trustee:
Now What?
Executor, Trustee, Power of Attorney,
Guardian; what are the responsibilities and
liabilities of those who are granted these
legal titles? This class is invaluable for those
trying to decide who to appoint as well as
those who have been asked to take one of
these legal roles. Steve Ledin
Date: Tue, Mar 27
Time: 10:00–11:30 am
Cost: $15
Class #: AEB12B
Location: Gladstone, 105
How do you pay for the nursing home and
still leave assets for the next generation?
With ever-changing estate planning laws
and great increases in nursing home costs,
this is a concern for many. Understand
what your options are, get your questions
answered and learn how to plan and place
your assets to meet your future goals.
Steve Ledin and Randy Rheault
Date: Tue, Apr 3
Time: 10:00–11:30 am
Cost: $15
Class #: AEB2A
Location: Gladstone, 105
Date: Thu, Apr 19
Time: 6:30–8:00 pm
Cost: $15
Class #: AEB2B
Location: Gladstone, 105