ADL2016 revista 2016 | Page 18

miraculous lake . He jumped in the water instantly and started to clean himself . He could sense how the noises from his head were disappearing and the external injuries were healing themselves . The legend was true . He was so happy that he could find a cure for his disease . When he arrived home , nobody could recognize him . He was handsome and even taller . Since he arrived in the town , everyone started calling him ,, the lucky boy ’’ and apologized for everything mean they had done . Ioan lived a long and good life since then .
The Story of Bărăgan Vârlan Teodora , coordonator prof . Teodorescu Mihaela
Do you know the story of Bărăgan ? This is an old untold story . People didn ’ t call it like this a long time ago , they had to get through a painful experience before that . Maybe many of you haven ’ t heard of the land called ‘ The land of the King ‘, but there our story started .
In ‘ The land of the King ’ there was a big king , rich and powerful , but he was known as ’ The Unmerciful ’. He disliked to be disobeyed and he used to kill everyone who was against his family . His wife , the queen , was sometimes afraid of this side of him and even stayed away when he was angry . But , behind this cruelty , he was a good king and loved by his people Soon , the queen found out that she was pregnant and she gave birth to a beautiful girl , Elena . She had a happy life until one day when her father declared that he was looking for a prince to marry her . Like every girl in the world , she wanted to love , and then to marry and live happily ever after . But the king wanted to be sure that his kingdom will be led by someone with courage and intelligence . When she woke up with hundreds of men in her garden , waiting to meet her , she went to her father but he did not want to listen . Then , when she saw her father would never give up , she locked in her room and looked in the garden . There , she saw a man behind a tree . He was handsome , very cute and tall . She couldn ’ t resist , so she got downstairs and went to him .
,, Bărăgan ” she said in exhilaration and hugged him . She remembered she had seen him before in her childhood but then he had disappeared . The girl was afraid that her father could see her so she left . Bărăgan was the son of the gardener and when he came there , they fell in love . Then , he left and she thought that she would never see him again . Now , it finally happened .
The next day , Elena talked with Bărăgan , and he said that they should leave together . They were about to do that , but the king found out and he killed the young man . Bărăgan died and magically , every tree , every plant and all the grass dried away and all died along with the princess ’ love . The princess , in tears , blamed her father for the rest of her life and named that place Bărăgan , after her beloved boyfriend .
The princess refused to marry the ones her father had chosen and after many years she found love again , but she never forgot the love of her life .
Ștefan cel Mare - Soarele Moldovei
Ștefan cel Mare a fost unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți domnitori ai Moldovei . Mulți au aflat cine este Ștefan cel Mare sau ce a făcut el , dar puțini știu ce fel de om a fost . Prin victoriile sale împotriva turcilor a dovedit curajul , demnitatea și istețimea cu care a pregătit fiecare plăieș în parte . A fost un om strateg și diplomat . În lupte , era mânios și omora fără judecată . Indiferent că alții mai cădeau , el îi încuraja să se ridice cu speranța că vor birui . Ceea ce dovedea ambiția și optimismul său . Pe lângă faptul ca era un domnitor înțelept , a fost un tată bun . A vrut tot binele fiului său , pentru ca , într-o bună zi , să fie și el un domnitor chiar mai bun .
Nu a fost un om așa de înalt , dar , înschimb , a fost un cuceritor . Când a ajuns prima dată pe tron era doar un tânăr plăpând , cu părul bogat și ondulat . Visător , dar hotărât . Părea un om simplu ca înfățișare , dar în privirea lui era tăria omului conștient că trebuie să învinga orice greutate . A ajuns un domnitor viteaz și înțelept , de neînfrânt . Îi prețuia pe oameni nu după ceea ce erau , ci după omenia lor . Turcii , spaima popoarelor , se visau cuceritorii lumii , dar Ștefan al nostru , dârz apărător al pământului strămoșesc , nu i-a lăsat așa ușor . Sabia lui fulgerătoare , a pus dușmanii sub glie , a luptat cu o îndârjire fără seamăn . Strategiile sale de luptă au biruit de multe ori turcii . A fost un adevărat învingător , un om cu suflet ales . Cea mai strălucită victorie a avut-o asupra turcilor , în 1475 , la Vaslui .
Teodora Iosub , Prof . Gabriela Dorofte , Cl . a lV-a B