“ I became a dancer because of music . I get to connect to my body in space .”
“ I became a dancer because of music . I get to connect to my body in space .”
We ’ ve all had moments when everything in our day or our life lines up . Time is on our side , we have chance encounters , one meeting gets cancelled where another was just added , and we seem to have the flow of the universe at our fingertips , or in Mahri ’ s case , her toes .
When we were laying out this issue , we knew that flow and alignment would be a major component of feeling alive . And we knew just the woman who could help us find our flow . Mahri ’ s vast experience dancing on Broadway , teaching thousands of group classes and creating life-changing private sessions for her clients made us dance , not walk , towards her to better understand how she gets into flow .
“ It ’ s so much less about me and so much more about the communication within the group .” She ’ s explaining how she finds her own flow as an instructor when the energy of her group class is together and joyful .
For her , the combination of energy , sound , music and movement transports her and everyone else into a state of joy that we can only find when in flow .
“ It ’ s amazing how much more our bodies respond when we connect to music we love .“