What You Should Know About
Marijuana Addiction Symptoms
Increase in tolerance
◦ Unlike normal people, marijuana addicts consume a higher amount of drug
before they can attain the stage of intoxication. This builds up to a point that the
tolerance of the victim’s body to marijuana increases. Subsequent usage will
require a greater amount than the previous. This is why it is common to find out
that addicts consume a larger amount of marijuana than normal people.
Failure to stop using marijuana
◦ Addiction prevents the possibility to quit marijuana when desired. However,
marijuana constitutes highly addictive substance which makes it difficult for the
victim to quit on their own. That is why many marijuana addicts turn out ‘broke’
because they spend fortunes to acquire large packs of marijuana.
Withdrawal from society resulting in reduced recreational, occupational and
social activities
◦ This withdrawal sets in immediately after addiction. If there is a certain group of
people that are trying to discourage the victim from taking marijuana, he
dissociates himself from them. Instead, he keeps the company of people with
similar interests in marijuana.