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What Happens if I Cheat ?

What Happens if I Cheat ?

Falling off the horse happens . It happens to everyone . What happens next depends on how fat-adapted you are . In the beginning , before you ’ ve gone 2 or 3 weeks without carbs , you may be starting over at square one . Some people never get fat adapted because they don ’ t have the patience to go carb free for 3 to 8 weeks . I ’ m not talking about will power . Keto is easy if you can stay focused . I half-assed keto for years going low-carb for a few days , then binging for a couple weeks , and repeating the cycle . It made me sicker than I was before .
Let ’ s say you ’ ve been doing keto for a couple weeks and you decide for whatever reason to eat a slice of pizza . The carbs are going to immediately trigger cravings for more carbs . You ’ ll start eating anything carby : crackers , cookies , etc … it just happens . You have no control over it . Your body wants carbs and it takes over . Sound familiar ? If you do this , it could take you a week or two of no carbs to get back to where you were . Your weight will come back , and those two weeks will be wasted .
However , once you ’ re fat adapted , and you do the same thing , starting with a slice of pizza and escalating to an entire pint of ice cream . You will wake up in the morning and most likely NOT have carb cravings . Actually , I can only attest to MY experiences here . That ’ s what happened to me . I didn ’ t have carb cravings , but the weight still came back on . It took me a week to get back to my previous weight – after one day . We ’ re talking 10 pounds in one day ! However , the lack of carb cravings made it EASIER for me to get right back up on the horse and continue on .
So , rather than worrying about the next time you can have your favorite carby food , focus on how good eating keto makes you feel . In our now-closed Facebook group , Kassie Ewers famously said “ Every time I see someone eating fries or something else I can ’ t eat , I look down and wiggle my toes and think , ‘ yeah . Toes are better than fries .’” The real goal is to not die of diabetes , renal failure , heart attack , stroke , hypertension , fatty liver , dementia , Alzheimer ’ s , or cancer . Those are the real goals . Weight loss and fitness are a natural side-effect of good health . Stay motivated ! Peruse the Ketogenic Forums . Spread the word about how you have lost weight and reclaimed your health . Save someone else ’ s life ! These things will make you so much happier than a pint of ice cream , especially when you can make yourself some keto mousse or ice cream and be completely happy with it !